What is Flash Steam? Flash Steam is the steam formed whenever hot condensate at high pressure and temperature is allowed to drop into a low pressure side. It is formed by boiling of the condensate which contains more heat than it can hold at that low pressure. Most Common Sources of Flash Steam recovery in a Chemical Process Industry includes Blow Down from Boilers and … [Read more...]
Cooling Tower Efficiency Calculations
Get unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines, newspapers and curated premium stories at flat 55% off Cooling Tower Efficiency Calculation is described in this article. Cooling Tower plays a major role in Chemical Process Industry. They reject process heat from the cooling water to atmosphere and keep the water cool. The performance of the cooling tower depends on various … [Read more...]
Offshore Wind Energy
Offshore wind Energy concept was evolved in 1990’s. Increasing Crude oil prices and Global Warming are the alarming factors in the present stage. Today’s energy scenario forces us to look for a clean alternative source of energy. First offshore Wind mill is the Vindeby which was installed in the year 1991 in Denmark. Since then dramatic technical advancements were taken … [Read more...]
Desirable Properties of Refrigerants
Get unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines, newspapers and curated premium stories at flat 55% off Refrigerants are widely used in Refrigeration cycle where cooling effect below the atmospheric temperatures are needed. Whenever we choose them for particular use Properties of Refrigerants also plays a vital role in economic and environmental friendly application. Here are some … [Read more...]
Catalyst Performance Assessment
Catalyst Performance assessment is the important activity done by a Process Engineer in Chemical Process Plants. They are widely employed in Hydrogen Generation Plants, Syn Gas Production Units, Ammonia Production Facilities, Methanol Plants, Feed Gas Purification in Refineries etc. Therefore assessing the Catalyst activity and evaluating the life inevitable. Need for Catalyst … [Read more...]